Approximately 4% of women who are pregnant in the United States, will be affected by gestational diabetes. It is a misunderstood disease in medical research was not able to locate why women suffer during pregnancy only to see it disappear when the baby is born. The stress and increased hormonal activity associated with pregnancy is probably a factor, but in women who are at risk, you need to follow a diet for gestational diabetes.
Expectant mothers whowere already diabetic at the time of conception even this kind of need to diet.
Any woman with gestational diabetes should consult with a registered dietitian, to assist in the creation of the right diet plan for her and her unborn baby. Glycemic control during pregnancy is of utmost importance and change in dietary intake is the best way to achieve this.
During pregnancy, the goal of the diet for gestational diabetes to ensure theright amount of calories and nutrients for mother and child but also to keep blood sugar levels under control. The diet itself is every woman on their height and weight on an individualized basis.
Blood glucose must be tested and measured at least four times per day. This is done to ensure that women remain under the control of blood sugar during the day. The frequency of testing may be reduced if the blood glucose control is established, but self -must continue with the pregnancy.
It is important that the meals meet the nutritional needs of weight gain and a normal pregnancy. During the first trimester of a normal pregnancy the woman should gain 2 to 4 pounds. After the second and third trimester begins weight gain should average a pound a week. Caloric intake will have to be increased from approximately 100 to 300 calories per day during the second trimester. Must be the same time, proteinincreased to 10 grams per day. This can by drinking 2 glasses of milk or eat 1 to 2 grams of meat per day are carried out.
One of the greatest dangers of inadequate calorie intake is diabetic ketoacidosis. A pregnant woman should never limit the amount of calories eaten, unless it has been prescribed by their doctor. The calories they should eat come from high-quality food and should not be less than 1700 to 1800 per day.
Every pregnant woman is diagnosed with this dangerousDisease need to follow a diet for gestational diabetes to the health and well being of their unborn babies.
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