วันพุธที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Natural Cleansing Diet

By eating certain foods, you can create a natural cleansing diet. Clean your body has many advantages, including better health, more energy, possible weight loss, better sleep at night, happier mood and a clear mind that is a ghost less stressed.

Junk food and processed foods and too much food hampers digestion. Digestion affects metabolism - if your digestion is poor, so will your metabolism. This creates an environment that can build up in the waste. By eatingnaturally cleansing diet, keep your body strong, and the processes to create an environment that food to digest assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste efficiently.

Start your day with a slightly warm pressed glass of water with fresh lemon or lime into it. If you can make the time to sit about 5 minutes. These fresh lemon juice helps stimulate the lymphatic system, because it is antiseptic, stimulating the liver and dissolve uric acid. Even if it cooperates withcan hot water, she stimulates the bowels.

For breakfast have 2 pieces fresh, organic fruit. Fruit is a natural detoxifier and full of fresh vitamin water, which we call juice. Many fruits are rich in vitamin C, one of the strongest antioxidants high.

If you prefer to protein in the morning, wait about 10 minutes after the fruit and one or two high-omega 3 eggs (organic if possible). Protein helps to strengthen your liver for detoxification and fat burning. The Omega-3 is aessential fatty acid which, if done regularly, it supports the body's natural detoxification, helps the brain function and helps with weight loss. Tomatoes and a small amount of spinach to your meal turn to a clean, breakfast burn fat.

Keep your diet with natural cleaning fresh green salad with a light, non-dairy dressing for lunch. Your digestive enzymes are at their highest now, so by the consumption of salad you will not encourage more. By eating this salad everyDays, your body will produce enzymes for the strong stronger every day what to digestion. By cleaning your digestive system strong will, your body naturally to waste, as it is digested further to break old building after a meal.

Switch your lunch in a fat burning, cleaning lunch by a low-fat source of protein such as lean chicken, turkey, fish or meat. For vegetarians, add brussels sprouts, beans or nuts. Make sure the share is no more guarantee than the size of your palm on your body in a position toto digest it all.

Keep your energy with a cleaning snack in late afternoon. Now is a good time) to yogurt (without sugar. Be sure to check the label for the good bacteria - it can be labeled as an active cultures. These good bacteria enhance digestion and strengthen the immune system.

For dinner, have steamed vegetables with a small portion of lean protein. By eating light, your body is able to digest all the food, easy to use. This leaves room for your naturalCleaning processes continue to work through the evening, while not leaving undigested food from overeating.

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