It is a holistic alternative to conventional dental treatments that reduce help you heal tooth pain, tooth infections, halt tooth decay and inhibit gum diseases. FREE remineralize Your Teeth lessons, log in to Learn about a flexible whole foods dietary program pioneered by the head of research at the National Dental Association, Weston Price DDS that proved 90-95% effective in cavities to stop. Cure caries provides clear and easy to understand, so dental factsYou can stop healthy, life-affirming choices about your dental health, including a non-surgical approach to baby bottle tooth decay. Imagine five nutritional programs that Nagel used his own healing cavities, and halt his daughter serious cavities. Dental and oral health through nutrition and lifestyle Restore, not harmful chemicals and surgery. Dr. Gallagher, the President of the Holistic Dental Association says, "Cure caries is treasure chest of wisdom, as it takes the mysteryof dental health. "Http - Learn to heal, and how to prevent cavities, with the diet. Part 1, why the current theory of tooth decay is inaccurate. Part 2, of the anthropological research Weston Price. Part 3, a review of caries prevention and cure diet.