The human body deals with nutrients by blood type. So it is advantageous to group select your diet for the blood. O positive blood group people have strong stomach acid and the respective enzymes. Thus they are able to metabolize almost everything.
After diets are primarily responsible for weight gain in most type O people. So this should be avoided.
Diary products
- Wheat and wheat products, wheat contains gluten that interferes with insulinresulting slower metabolism
- Beans and Legumes: These contain lectins, which are deposited in muscle tissue
- Cabbage, cauliflower, and mustard: This can inhibit, thyroid problems of reducing metabolic rate
Following foods are recommended for these people:
-You should plenty of fruits of alkaline nature, such as plums, berries, eat, etc.
O-type people have a low capacity clotting. So it is advisable to eat vegetables rich in vitamin K
-You should stickHigh protein, Low Carb Diet
These people are often vulnerable to the following diseases:
Stomach ulcer-
-Clotting problem
O blood group was the first to be identified. It leads us to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. They used the high-protein diet is meat. This is true today. It is advisable for these people to involve in various physical activities.
There are negative views about thisTheory. It is claimed to pseudo-science. Most nutrients and doctors do not agree with Mr. D'Adamo diet, the blood type of applicants. It prevents people from consuming a lot of important nutrients needed for good health.
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