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Cabbage and Chicken Soup Diet - Recipe and Diet Plan

Cabbage and Chicken Soup Diet reach their target weight loss by severely reducing the number of calories that are consumed. It is a variation of the famous cabbage soup diet, and provides an alternative for those who require more variety in their meals, and makes it easier for users stick to the plan.


The cabbage and chicken soup will be able to with a head of shredded cabbage, four stalks of celery chopped ready, two green peppers, carrots, five, one 16ozTomatoes, two onions, two cups of vegetable juice, two cups of chicken broth, and half a pound of green beans. Saute the onions in a pan (use spray oil for this) then add all ingredients and bring to heat for cooking. Towards the end, you add all the herbs and spices to your taste. Simmer until cooked.

Diet Plan:

A cabbage and chicken soup diet works best if you follow the rules and eat as much soup as you want for a period of seven days.

Do not eat bread andConsumption of alcohol or sugary drinks like soft drinks. Drink lots of water because this helps not only nutrition, but important for your health.

Breakfast Day 1:

Combine a cup of fat-free vanilla yogurt with half a cup of chopped fruit salad. This can be sprinkled with wheat germ oil.

Breakfast Day 2:

Combine half a teaspoon of sugar with 1 cup of ricotta cheese and a pinch of cinnamon.
Two pieces of wheat grain slices of toast.
Three driedFigs.

Breakfast Day 3:

One and a half cups of whole grain.
½ cup orange juice, preferably calcium fortified.
½ cup fat-free milk.

Breakfast Day 4:

A small whole grain bagel with an ounce of low fat, cheddar cheese melted.
A half cup of prune juice.

Breakfast Day 5:

One and a half cups of cooked cereal Wheatena.
A half cup of fat-free milk.

The next day, no breakfast, choose from the list above. You can eat, one of thethe breakfast dishes every day and for the other meals, as much of the cabbage and chicken soup as you want. Bananas and skim milk can be added on the fourth day. On the fifth day 10-20 Mai ounce of chicken to your diet plan are also included.

The stay on the diet of seven days is not recommended. This is a diet for weight loss, in the short term (3-5 days).

Special Request:

Due to the low consumption of carbohydrates, blood glucose levels are too low, and this mayHypoglycaemia. Symptoms include headache, dizziness, sweating, irritability, and anxiety. When this happens, eat a sandwich with whole grain bread, a slice of ham and a slice of cheese with low fat content. Do not use butter or margarine. An alternative is a low-fat cheese and tomato sandwich. If these symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

The cabbage and chicken soup diet is not intended as a permanent diet plan, so that after a week you must be willing to a safer,more sustainable and healthier nutrition strategy. There are some excellent programs for long-term use, the work that you've begun to get your body in shape to continue.

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