วันอังคารที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Latest Diet Craze and Our Diet History

It seems like every other week we diet "listen on" the latest. Standing in line at the grocery store, you can read the front cover of the magazines, the latest diet crazy! The latest diet craze to work for us?

Most popular diets to follow trends. In the early 90s, we were celebrating the Holy Grail of diets ... Fat makes you fat! Susan Powter was our guru. Show us a post pregnant woman on a round bed, the spread to cover all their couch. The "new"Susan was a lean, cut buzz "Super Woman", which was under control!

We made a mad dash to the grocery store to purchase all of the fat free products that we find. This was going to work! It only made sense ... Fat = fat, right?

But by the late 90s we all got fat! Fat is not necessarily the same fat, plus we all missed the miracle of taste and feeling, full of that fat offered. We experienced fat returns.

Someone had come along and give us permission to eat fat and stillthin. So in the 90 years we have crowned Dr. Atkins as our new king of weight loss! We had to admit he was not pretty, he does not have the same charisma as our guru Susan Powter fat pounding, and he did not look very healthy and slim. But he had a degree, so that doctors for the guru, wanted to emulate that we are compensated.

Dr. Atkins message was so refreshing, we can eat fat! Not just a little fat, a whole bunch of fat. Not only our taste buds dance, we were quickly falling pound! This wasit!

Then the painful truth came out, is too much fat on tax your kidneys and contribute to other diseases. Moreover, everyone gains the weight back on it and you more after we stopped the program and ate more carbohydrates. What do we do now? Did not someone the answer?

After our dramatic, extreme, fast weight loss fixes in the 80's and 90's, we had the truth. It did not matter how bad did it hurt. In 2000, we have learned it, more toned balanced approach. We actually wentCircle and went back to the tried and true, monitoring our intact calories, eating mainly fresh vegetables, fresh fruit and lean meat. We now distinguish between good fats and bad fats, carbohydrates for good and bad carbohydrates, sugar, good and bad sugars, and eating frequent small meals mini. We find ourselves with a higher level of education about healthy nutrition, good food and lose weight! Above all, we can live on this game plan for wellness and weight loss. It's something that we can track forLife.

Even the latest celebrity diet found in the tabloid newspapers, are not so drastic, and are still wrapped always in good and healthy food. It is to fetch up to our palates, as we reduce our size by food they wanted.

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